Why phone is your best weapon or your enemy in telemarketing field? How can you make money over the phone instead wasting it?
The fact you have to know about telephone sales is that is all about and selling yourself.
Your ability to make conversation is one of your most important social skills.
The ability to make conversation can help you sell "yourself" and make you attractive and interesting to others while helping you build your confidence, your image, and your relationships.
Conversation skills you will learn can give you a great personal advantage -- whether you're talking across the dinner table, across the desk or on the telephone in front of a telemarketing list
we will talk about this a little more after a short sleep :)
Published by Adrian
on Thursday, April 06, 2006 at 6:54 AM.
The fact you have to know about telephone sales is that is all about and selling yourself.
Your ability to make conversation is one of your most important social skills.
The ability to make conversation can help you sell "yourself" and make you attractive and interesting to others while helping you build your confidence, your image, and your relationships.
Conversation skills you will learn can give you a great personal advantage -- whether you're talking across the dinner table, across the desk or on the telephone in front of a telemarketing list
we will talk about this a little more after a short sleep :)

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