Telemarketing system

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The reason Objections occur is very simple. In Telemarketing You are only a voice. You are unknown. You might be dangerous. His money is precious; you are the one who want to sell something to him. He doesn't TRUST you. It's only a matter of trust. Build and win that trust through positive attitude, good questions, sincerity, and politeness plus common ground.

This is what a good telemarketer does. Builds Confidence.

In Fact every time you hear I'm not interested you should hear : I should be interested if you insist. Or I'm not interested today, perhaps tomorrow I'll change my mind.

Objections come; treat them as your friends that give you a helpful hand to close the deal. The way you treat objections will make the difference between you and rest of phone sellers. Enjoy when they appear and use them to make money.

3 Responses to “27th Telemarketing Lead - Why objections occur”

  1. # Anonymous Smoothtalk

    Objections are the best thing to hear in a telemarketing call. The only better thing to hear is dialtone, which is the quickest close in the book. It's like buying a car, "gee, it's a great car but it's yellow... do you have it in red?".  

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  3. # Blogger Drift Financial Services

    Good luck & keep writing such awesome content.

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