Wednesday, May 24, 2006

21st Telemarketing Lead - About Viral Marketing

Have you wondered how does a company make to promote so fast its products? Sometimes in matter of days millions of people received the news of that specific new product. This is Viral Marketing. There is little connection with Telemarketing, though is good to know some interesting facts about past Viral Marketing Campaigns.

Viral marketing is popular because of the ease of executing the marketing campaign, relative low-cost (compared to direct mail), good targeting, and the high and rapid response rate. The main strength of viral marketing is its ability to obtain a large number of interested people at a low cost.

Just Click on the image to see one fresh example of viral marketing campaign.

Viral Marketing


1. Hotmail - one of the first free email platforms had no traffic in the beggining. The growth rate of their traffic was not sufficient to meet the needs of the company and a boost was required. It was at this point that the first mass viral marketing campaign via the Internet was launched.

So they came up with a Viral Marketing Campaign that has yet to beaten and saw their traffic skyrocket and eventually lead to Microsoft buying the company as a result of their exponential growth.

What did they do? Simple. To the footer of each outgoing email they attached a signature file that read:

"To get your FREE email account goto".

As more and more people received emails from existing Hotmail account holders the word spread about their free email service and the rest, as they say, is history.

2. Free Greeting Cards

Free greeting cards is another example of viral marketing that works well. Here's how it works.

If you go to yahoo or some other free greeting card service and send a card, your friend does not get the card in their email box. Instead they get an email message with a URL where they can go pick up their eCard. So they go pick up their card and probably bookmark the site and send out an eCard or two themselves.

See how viral marketing is taking effect here as well?

3. is a website that was part of a viral marketing experiment. It first claimed that a 25-year old virgin living in Toronto named Geoff needed five million hits on his website in 30 days in order for Jenn, one of his very hot platonic female friends, to help him lose his virginity.

The story of this website gained widespread media attention, and was featured on many newspapers, such as the Toronto Star. As of May 18, 2006, the website has gotten over 3,000,000 pageviews since it went up on May 1.

On May 17, 2005, it was revealed that this story was fake. It was invented to "tug at the heart strings" of web surfers.

My example for Today is

4. EstateAgentRevenge internet Viral Marketing Campaign for ClickSell (no estate agents fee). So what you have to do is to beat the shit out of the employee :)

Viral Marketing

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